E 'a dark, pure, perfect, carefree and without vision is a dark, endless, boundless, infinite is the darkness that each of us carries within himself. (Yes, if you search for infinity, just close your eyes!).
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Pokemon Platinum Rom Vba
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Overactive Thyroid And Sore Throat
Some time ago I came back to mind an amusing episode of my life and I decided to write it down here.
We make a brief introduction. They are a very thoughtful and sensitive girl, who likes to talk deep, serious and committed. But for this, sometimes I need to disconnect from this seriously and take life lightly. I like to laugh at everything and everyone, starting with myself. And I like to laugh, laugh out loud. I love having fun in many ways. Such as, doing tricks on friends ...
Like all my crazy ideas, the first step fleeting in my head. Then, for some reason unclear to me, to fetch, we reflect a bit 'up and I say, "why not?" and begin to implement my diabolical plan. Thus in February 2005 I devised a little trick to do to my dear friend Claudia.
During the fourth high school, Claudia and I were friends inseparable. Good times! We enjoyed a lot together. :) One of our pastimes was strange nickname buckle the kids in the school, talk to any code in between me and her. That crazy!
At that time frequented a group of kids at our school, among whom was F. that was the line, Claudia. F. Once, talking with us do not remember if they had come out with a "Good grief," said in a funny way. Since then, Claudia and I had labeled "Damn." (Perfide!!): P
So we arrive in February. When he starts this month, the mass media began to bombard the population of publicity about the Valentine's Day approaching. Taking anything away from those who celebrate Valentine's Day, but I personally have always found a party truly idiotic it is for me the apotheosis of consumerism and the death of romance. But let my thoughts on Valentine's Day and we're off. ^ _ ^
So, Valentine's Day approached. And the crazy part of me has seen fit to live, at least for that year, this celebration in an unforgettable way. The victim was obviously a joke for my friend Claudia. : P
In short, what I did? On February 14 I made the delivery at home with a nice layout posted a note in which, at the end of so many honey extraction, wrote in large letters "Damn," to give a small clue, and it provides no signature (or perhaps I signed F., but can not remember). The plan, according to the florist, was delivered around lunchtime. Then, shortly thereafter I was expecting a call from Claudia. And in fact ...
Riiiiiiiing. Mommo answered and said, "Claudia, is for you. And 'Claudia!"
Already I felt like laughing ...
"Claudia ...?" - The tone and the phrase in question were suspended understand what he meant. The meaning was: "Claudia, has something to do with a map that I got home?"
I could not resist and I burst out laughing.
"You're a damn! I knew he has something to do !!!".
's been too funny. It 'was the first to insult me \u200b\u200bon the phone (obviously in a friendly way) and then tell me: the map that came home, his parents and his sister that the two dozen questions to know which part of who she was, she for a moment really believed that F. that he had sent the plan, but then reflected on that sospettosissimo "Damn."
memorable, the most fun Valentine's Day of my life. :)
Thank you, Claudia. ;)
Monday, November 15, 2010
Apply Liquid Mineral Foundation Kabuki
After leaving this poor blog for a month, I would say that it is high time to update it. Also because, let's be honest: one comes here, maybe by accident, while surfing the net, and finds himself before the song Lunapop. I posted because I like it, obviously, but ... the Lunapop ?!... Go ahead, go. : P
How best to deface the pages of the network but to reveal some of my mental trip? : P
Invisible me ... like "very bad me ", the new cartoon that is in theaters (which, is there? Boh! I have not even seen ...).
I was saying ... that is me invisible ? Now get there, 'n'attimo!: p
Sometimes I stop and think: I'm not that kind of girl that takes your breath away, I know. I'm not a girl when passing in the crowd, the boys team from head to toe with the eyes of the outside and the girls envy, none of this.
I am convinced to go unnoticed. They are invisible, in fact.
And this is also good to me. In effect, the end is my favorite so myself, although I admit, a woman that I am, I'd like to know, just sometimes, the feeling of a Where's My Car. However, in principle, I prefer things as they are now and how I have always been. I am not at ease when I feel eyes on him. It 's the reason why the way I dress is very casual and simple: jeans, t-shirts ever turning out athletic shoes. I do not want to attract stares. :)
prefer to be invisible.
So far I have spoken of physical invisibility, so to speak.
But who wants to go completely invisible? Not me.
And then, reflect, think, think back and wonder: how are invisible on an emotional level? How much leave me in the lives of others? And this is because I do not know.
What I know is that I'd leave a little piece of me in the lives of everyone I meet in my path on this planet. A little bit too small, but those people who jealously guard.
From this point of view, no, I do not want to be invisible, or visible in the negative, I do not know what I mean.
Yet, thinking people lost sight of, there are days when I feel invisible, completely ...
will be so? Who knows ...
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
How Does Pro Line Work For Odds
Monday, October 11, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Christmas Placemat Ideas
be honest: the writing on the walls, especially when they are just scribbles on the buildings, I do not very polite. However, I must admit that sometimes have a kind of fascinating ...
As an inscription found by chance on a bench in Martyrs Square in Pisa.
In my wanderings through the streets of the city following a tourist map, I have found in this square. Even just the name fascinated me: Martyrs of Liberty ... It gave me a sense of emotion. Then, the sky was gray, the air smelled of rain and this place was so charming with the flower beds surrounded by green leaves yellow autumn of the plane trees that slowly undress ... My son wanted to stop to enjoy such great beauty.
There were several benches. I chose one at random. It was filled full of writing, as well as others. Not to think to myself, I started to read some.
will be written in the style I liked talking about himself (the calligraphy, the contrast of white on this blue of the bench) is that I was in a state of mind open to honey extraction, which will I had been hit hard and I wanted to find somewhere else to confirm that romantic love really exists, is that in the words that I read it I saw a bit 'of my situation and I felt close to the author ... however, one of the writing struck me so much that he wanted to capture in a photograph.
I leave you with this picture, without saying anything more.
Christian Faith Phrases
This time the style a bit 'bohemian hired him away from home, away from Rome.
Pisa, Lungarno Pacinotti 21:30 h approximately.
I'm here, sitting cross-legged on the wall above the River.
Tonight is the apotheosis of the style Doom: coming out here to a crowd of unrequited love; around with a backpack and a suitcase without having found a place to sleep.
It 's the first time that I take and I leave for a city, so, out of the blue, without telling anyone, just a few friends, and with no plan in detail the journey.
I feel alive.
Even if the night is sad (and that's what makes me really damn), I feel alive.
For the first time I listened to my crazy part, the part that is not their ignorance, but place (was not listening all that carefully filed). Today I wanted to listen to and follow.
Even though my heart is broken tonight, I do not regret my gesture. Masochism?
No, this is life.
The adrenaline of doing something new, unknown ...
The excitement at seeing his eyes ...
The pain of a love one-way ...
The sense of adventure in the search for a hotel now complete ...
This is life.
And I'm living.
Now they are on this wall, writing under a lamp and a cigarette between his lips.
tonight I'm a dead poet.
I like it so much ...
and rethink what has been, to what are now here, now, I smile widens dropping this cigarette.
How good will, between some time this evening to remember.
Among a bit 'of time (not much or as little as I know), this story will make me smile.
For now, I still light up a cigarette ...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Vera Bradley Bags, Lancaster, Pa
Will that September is my month, but the sea of \u200b\u200bSeptember is the best. I have many fond memories of the sea at this time. One in particular is memorable for me.
was the second half of September 1997. It was a Sunday morning. Dad and I were around Pescara. It was a beautiful sunny day, but the fall was just around the corner and the air was fresh.
"Where are you going?" - I asked my father.
"The sea!" - I answered, smiling.
We went to the beach to walk barefoot on the shore, making waves sometimes reach. The sea was very calm, smooth as glass. Despite the beautiful day, the beach was empty. It was so beautiful the sea, my father and I have decided to take us the last swim of the season. We threw water in clothes. The water was cold!
It was a beautiful day. Jealously guards that day the laughter of my father and from splashing water, dips that made me do in taking my shoulder, ran down to the rocks ... Nice to have memories like that.
And dig up old memories, I decided to live out new ones.
A couple of days ago I took the car and I am going to give me a ride as my usual. I just love driving: to hear the engine, its vibrations on the pedals, shift gears, go fast, tighten the wheel ... too good. When I take the machine is for the pure pleasure of driving and getting lost on streets that do not know or do not remember (or at least I only remember when I review).
I left the parking lot at home (it was about 18:30) and I headed towards the waterfront. Once there, I turned left: north. I drove
north along the edge of the sea. At the end of Montesilvano, to keep going up, I've been forced to return inward to reach the bridge and cross the River. Once in Marina di Città Sant'Angelo, the first indication for the sea, I turned right and I continued. Sometimes I was forced to return to the inside, but then every time as soon as possible back on the Riviera. These beautiful straight roads, framed by tall pines.
was about 19 when I came in Torre Cerrano: it is fabulous. Loomed high on the gray background of a gray sky, illuminated from below by some spots of white light. A show.
I still continued to drive north. Again, the road continued parallel to the sea, but more inward. A little before Pineto, the brown sign "sea", I have turned right. This time, however, the road ended in a little parking and the waterfront had to walk. There was not a living soul.
Just me and the sea.
I left the car there and went to the beach. The air was cool, almost cold, soaked with moisture. The sky was gray, filled with clouds with bad intentions. The sea was in the storm waves beat upon the beach. The wind blew hard.
wonderful show.
I stretched on the wet sand: spadizzata completely, waiting rain. I was dressed in a gray suit, I was pendant with the sky.
I was a little bit there, forgetting the cold and moisture that penetrated the clothing.
I closed my eyes and smelling of the sea.
The smell of salt filled me, the voice of the sea lulled me, the wind caressed me.
This is the Sea.
In these moments they capture the essence, I appreciate the beauty, I recognize the majesty.
When it started to rain, I ran into the car. Before boarding, I have shaken the sand from clothes and hair (if not those who felt the car then Mommo for "beach"?). I restarted the engine and I went again to the north, perdendendomi of my thoughts. The call
Momma brought me back to reality: "Where are you?"
"In turn, soon I get home."
I had not even noticed that the sun was gone ... were about 20 and I had arrived in Roseto degli Abruzzi. To be quick, I embarked on the highway and I am back home.
That's all folks!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Noise Less Mixer Grinder
Creatine For Hair Extensions
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Sell Blood Minneapolis

And get lost in your embrace.
confused in the heat of your body.
me next to you,
not let me go.
Do not worry, I will not go away.
In your arms I get lost.
In your arms ...
Beyond you is nothing.
Hold close to you,
I see no other than you.
space no longer exists,
time is only an idea.
There's just us,
you and I,
in this embrace.
And we get lost,
one inside the other.
In your arms ...
in your arms is heaven.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
How To Get Tilt In Lacrosse Helmet
4Persone INGREDIENTS: 1 kg. lamb, 400g. Potatoes, 200g. onion, garlic, salt, pepper, olive oil, 1 / 2 l white wine, Rosemary.
Marinate the lamb for about 24 hours of the various flavored ingredients except potatoes.
Then put the mixture into a baking pan with high edges, in a moderate oven. Turn occasionally until lamb is well resolved. Then add the potatoes cut into chunks or wedges (as you prefer) to finish cooking at all. Serve hot.