Traditional flavors, smells ... suffice inidentificate fragrances Sungei Wang Plaza to reactivate dormant synapses.
No, not here as tourists and 'impossible to live. It ceases to be George, and it suddenly becomes "Sir" ... proebito each symmetrical relationship. The center of the city ' and 'wonderfully beautiful, a living, but must be alternated to dive on the outskirts. I need to keep mentally healthy 'to spend time with people who live here and I always considered the same level. Otherwise I risk to blurt out after a while with a "Sir Fucking! Not see that I too am human, like you, not just a walking wallet?".
Luckily today I was pleasantly situated on the outskirts, Bukit Jalil, my neighborhood, visit the company where I worked to meet with former colleagues, no discussion of work, only meeting between old friends. Packed with these wonderful children in this bustling Bangsar, indispensable huge fish head curry. A pleasant hour in the company in one of those "Restaurants" where a sensible European would hardly dare to sit ... stomach and immune system already 'ready for the local delicacies!
Salto in the past, really refreshing after a day spent by tourists ... tourists until Saturday ... Sunday instead and 'was the Malay wedding day ... something totally unbelievable, even some Chinese people in KL have never seen one. Early start, the risk of being permanently lost in the jungle in Sepang. The same taxi that took me to the last kilometers, where no transport such as trains or buses arrive, did not conceal difficulties between palms and rubber trees.
I got catapulted from Pluto, alien warmly welcomed, is wondering if I were reassured that they were waiting for Jojo ... "Jojo who want to be there in the jungle in Sepang directed at a Malay wedding?".
"Jojo Please, sit down ... makan makan." Sit down and eat. Too bad that they were still 11 in the morning and I was not so 'hungry ... but does so in those parts ', lunch is not' structured like us, with all the dishes that mark the time. Here there 'always food, you take it yourself and eat all you want, whenever you want. Just understand this mechanism, I finished my rice and fried chicken, bad eating the candy, gently pointed out that I gave my best at about one and a half!
had not yet had the opportunity to incotrare the bride, all were there 'for her. It 's his marriage to his house, next week will be repeated' the home of her husband. Here are all of a sudden I get invited into the bride's room, I think "esticazzi that luxury," to him with enthusiasm, I take off my shoes into the house, but at the same time ask for confirmation that they were really sure I could get as he was preparing and m'avrebbe killed anyone for that intrusion ... the time was the trick. Nice to see old friends, wonderful.
The ceremony begins with the groom, who emerges from the wild road, followed by a colorful procession and roaring ... dressed in bright red, yellow umbrellas for sun protection. The bride dressed in exactly the same color welcomes The festive procession at the entrance of his house. A chaste salute, look at each other as if for the first time, and 'eternal love, holding hands, they head to the banquet. Then the families to get together and give his blessing to the couple clutching their hands full of little colored petals, petals tossed in the air.
I am absolutely grateful to heaven that he had the chance 'to live a similar experience, does not seem to happen often ... despite the stoned from jet lag, lost for the unusual site, the impending dehydration curbed by the abundant fluorescent green drink with the taste of gum, I was alert enough not to miss those moments too strange to be assimilated in one shot.
photographic quality is not 'been easy, I avoid hampering the official photographers get paid for that work, however I am satisfied ... also was not easy to take portraits without notice or that I myself do not disrupt the expression of the guests. I was not the most 'of these unnoticed. The children escaped me forever.