Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lorna – Macromastia


Mah .. now been discharged, the outward boost my ability to hitter keyboard keys ... although this time, on paper at least, there is no comparison with that trip there, here is that the fingers begin trembling, unable to resist all these black letters.
wake of the thrill I had even thought about renaming the blog, something like "lu of the east 2.0 Caru, Salentu inside" or anything like that ... the word "East" would serve to convey the feeling of traveling back ... while "Salentu" would have served to communicate ... Salentu ... nothing more.

Risparmiamoci re-christening pitiful ... pergiunta a re-baptism requires regularity, a volume of content that just do not know if I can keep, so better to keep low expectations of the general public. If you bathe me a river, and invites you to swim with pleasure.

While I filled the suitcase I was wondering if the same stuffing because I really need all those objects below, or you're trying to fill gaps in non-material, to fill the uncertainty that characterizes the company ... should not be enough his own person as s-covered self-sufficient? ... Certainly, we are made of flesh, a mesh is certainly not to feel cold, but maybe the suitcase of shit to which I have to teach to walk and speak Italian - so exaggerated is the size that they can not exempt from demonstrating a certain independence and personality - maybe it will at least in part ... maybe a nice bundle that would be enough scent of adventure.

It 's time to leave you, drive for 6 hours requires a certain freshness ... I am sorry to leave the house good camera, but after the publicity salentini colleagues have made some villages in the area, I prefer to put at risk the crumbling.

ps I add a photo taken from the office window.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Lakme Cometics 2010 India

dEUS live @ Velvet Club

put them now, not because are new pictures, but just to renew a bit 'the glance of the blog: p

... then also to see how the slideshow flickr: p